Friday, January 29, 2010

Not a happy Spammer

Ok, So I find that spamming (emailing/mass posts with sales pitches) rubs me the wrong way.  I have never appreciated it from others and get a bad taste in my mouth when I think of doing it myself, even though the cause is worthy.  Hmm, what to do.  I suppose the best thing I can do at this time and in this mood is to just keep updating here and linking my thoughts everywhere I go instead of shouting at people to  So, I see the Fun-Raising

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Experiment #1: Chipin'

So I am attempting all avenues of fund-raising as an experiment
Experiment#1 Social networking/ fund-raising..
I am told by the good people of that this is the newest and most productive way to build awareness and funds for your cause.  I will go on to post and splash it everywhere I visit on the net for a few days and see what happens...

Start the clock!

I start this post as more of a vent to the aggravating and sincerely frustrating route to raising capital in this day and age.  I really really have searched high and low, without paying an actual fee for some help/ suggestions, you may NEVER find funding for a business venture (especially if you are currently on unemployment comp) sorry, got a little depressing there.  Anyhow, my experience has been up and down with my particular attempts, however I will survive:) So the bright light here at the end of my most recently turned down financing tunnel is this...Everything happens for a reason, and this I will use this as a means to become more passionate about my goal.  In one years time this ideal Arcade will be up, running and
profitable! Start the clock!